12 Days Of Christmas!


Prize Wall On 1000buyerclicks.com


Watch Franks Video on Sales Page Here
 to Understand What you Need to Send us


Please Send Us A Support Ticket

In The Following Format

Please ensure that your request MUST be sent from the email you used for the purchase,
or, you must send us your purchase email address if you are mailing from a different email address.

IF You Want Us To Add A Free Product,
Send This Email


1000buyerclicks.com Prize Wall 


Hi Support,
Please Add My FREE PRODUCT To 1000buyerclicks.com Prize Wall

My Purchase Email Address is:
Here's My Info: 

Attached is my profile pic(100x100 pixels) with this email: 

Product Name: 

Product Description (One sentence only):

Product Image URL :
(Size should be 200x200 pixels or any square image)

Redirect Link To Be Added To The Image:
(This link will be your Thank You Page link or Product Download Link)

IF You Want Us To Add a SALES PRODUCT,
Send This Email


1000buyerclicks.com Prize Wall 


Hi Support,
Please Add My SALES PRODUCT To 1000buyerclicks.com Prize Wall

My Purchase Email Address is:
Here's My Info: 

Attached is my profile pic(100x100 pixels) with this email: 
Product Name: 

Product Description (One sentence only):

Product Image URL:
(Banner size should be 728x90 pixels)

Redirect Link To Be Added To The Image:
(This link will be your sales page link)

The support team will verify your purchase,
and add your product to the prize wall in about 3-5 business days.