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10000+ Pre-Engineered Prompts

Transform your ChatGPT into a profit-generating machine with Prompt Engine Pro!

Revolutionary AI Agency App Amplifies ChatGPT’s power 100-Fold, unlocks multiple revenue streams and
empowers video creation
with AI Generated
Content & Built-in Teleprompter

Empowering Marketers, Course Creators, Freelancers, Agencies, Content Creators,

Affiliate Marketers, Bloggers, Authors, and Aspiring Professionals Alike

Click to un-mute!

The only ChatGPT Extension you will ever need

Get 100X better results from ChatGPT

20+ Profitable Prompt Categories

10000+ Income
Generating Prompts

Runs inside the
ChatGPT Interface

Easily Organizable workspaces to saves ChatGPT Interactions

Quickly Create Notes From The Chat

Refinement Options
to get desired output

Prompts In 5 Popular Languages

Opens up multiple income opportunities

Transform your ChatGPT into a Profit Making
Machine Choose your option wisely..

You can use ChatGPT like everyone else and get regular results..

Option #1

Option #2

Use Customizable Prompts like this one along with refinement options..

And get results like this which are more relevant to your product or service..

The ONLY App you need to create a Steady Income Stream
for yourself by harnessing the power of AI

ChatGPT Mastery Personal Access

ChatGPT Mastery Personal Access + PromptEnginePRO + Bonuses

Actual Retail Price Including Bonuses- $159.00

Total Discount Applied = 94.00%

Total Savings = $149.00

Shine in ANY Niche with the POWER of AI and
Done-For-You Prompts in just a Few Clicks!

When Chat GPT blew up on the Internet, we knew that this is not a Fad and this AI is here to stay..

We used it everyday and quickly realized the gaps in the AI and started working on how one can overcome it and get the best out of it..

That led to the creation of Prompt Engine Pro which is an Agency App that will help you profit using ChatGPT and get 100x better results..

Is this Just another Prompt tool where
you get a bunch of prompts..???

No.. We do have Done-For-You Prompts but the App is more than just prompts..

Prompt Engine Pro is designed and created to make you pure profits!

We are going to show you multiple ways to profit using ChatGPT and Prompt Engine Pro with the click of a few buttons..

Let us Understand how Prompt Engine Pro
will give anyone an Unfair Advantage..

With Prompt Engine Pro by your side

  • Never waste time writing prompts from scratch
  • Just choose a category, sub-category and get ready to go prompts
  • Fill up the blanks to get your results specific to your product / Niche
  • Even refine your answers with refinement options
  • Save your answers in workspace
  • Quickly even shoot a video using in-built Teleprompter

All it takes is 4 Easy Steps
to start getting results with Prompt Engine Pro

In Seconds you can create..


Landing Page

Product Reviews

Ad Copies

Video Script

Reel Ideas




Course Outline



Check out the Demo of Prompt Engine Pro
and see how
easy it is to get any job

Done In Just A Few Clicks

How does one Actually Profit using
Prompt Engine Pro coupled with ChatGPT?

There are multiple ways for one to profit using ChatGPT and we researched them all keeping in mind 100% Newbies!

We created Categories, Sub Categories, prompts and all possible Refinement Options to get you the best results based on our research..

At the outset, ChatGPT gives you content and we found ways for you to use this content and profit..

We have created 1000s of tried and tested DFY Prompts in multiple categories including Affiliate Marketing, Copywriting, Online Coaching, Facebook Marketing, YouTube Marketing, ECommerce, Social Media, SEO, Customer Support, Online Funnels and so much more!

ChatGPT Mastery Personal Access

ChatGPT Mastery Personal Access + PromptEnginePRO + Bonuses

Actual Retail Price Including Bonuses- $159.00

Total Discount Applied = 94.00%

Total Savings = $149.00

How different is Prompt Engine Pro
from other Prompt Packs and Extensions that
are currently available in the market?

Other Extensions &
Prompt Packs

Limited Prompts

10,000+ Pre-Engineered Prompts

Mostly suitable for a single Niche or covers a very few categories

Covers multiple categories

Have to use it alongside ChatGPT and not within

Works as an overlay on ChatGPT

Copy, Paste & customize Prompts Manually

Don’t have to copy & Paste Prompts. Comes in customizable Fill up the blanks format

Mostly you get a zip file or excel sheet of Prompts that you need to manually search and find the prompt that will work best

Easy to locate Prompts with the search option and organized under categories, sub-categories and even trending topics

Chat History cannot be stored as there is no backend

Entire ChatGPT Conversational History can be stored in the backend and can be retrieved anytime

No possibilty to quickly create notes from the chat response

Easily create Notes from the Chat Responses

Not possible to organize work clientwise

Organize work for multiple clients under different workspaces

Limited or no Refinement options in most tools.

Multiple Refinement options to get better results from ChatGPT

Prompts in only one Language

Prompts in 5 popular Language

Helps you with your work but does not do your actual work.

Focuses on making you more profits and covers all income generating categories and helps you with your actual work.

Require Monthly or Yearly Fees

No Monthly Fees. One-time Payment ONLY

Prompt Engine Pro Completes ChatGPT

There is no doubt that the ChatGPT AI Engine
is super powerful..

But Prompt Engine Pro is the missing Piece that you
need to use ChatGPT efficiently..

  • The ONLY Chat GPT Extension one needs
  • Save all ChatGPT responses and see whenever you want
  • Easily create Notes with Chat Response
  • Organize all your work in workspaces and keep all your client’s work separately
  • Done-For-You Prompts in various categories
  • Prompts in 5 popular Languages
  • Multiple refinement options to make Chat GPT’s response better
  • 100s of ways to start making profits with ChatGPTRecord videos with in-built teleprompter perfect for content creation
  • Increases productivity

Who can use Prompt Engine Pro?

Digital Marketers



Social Media Managers


Content Creators


Advertising Professionals


Business Owners

Business Executives


Course Creators

Funnel Builders

Email Marketers

Here Is An Inside Look Of All The
Cool Features Inside This Must-Have App

10000+ Done-For You Prompts

Hand-crafted, tried & tested proven to work customizable prompts.

Prompts in 20+ Income Generating Categories

From Email Marketing to Affiliate Marketing and From Ecommerce to SEO, we have it all covered. Pick any income generating category and get your Done-For-You Prompts done in minutes.

Subcategories to get laser targeted content

100s of Subcategories helping you get laser-targeted prompts for your work.

Fill in the Blanks Format for Prompts

Choose a prompt that best suits your needs and fill in the blanks with your product or service info to create prompts that will get you extraordinary results.

Choose Prompts In 5 Popular Languages

Do not want to choose your prompts in English? We have got you covered. We have Prompts in Spanish, French, German and Italian. You can choose your language and then the entire Prompt Engine Pro part of the page loads in the language of your choice. You can easily choose the prompts from here

Refinement Options

Ability to refine the results to specific length, say 100, 200, 300 or more words and type like letter, email, story and so on..

Save History

Save all your searches in the backend in specific workspaces from inside ChatGPT

Easily Create Notes From The Chat Response

Simply select the text you want from the response and add it to a workspace using the Add To Workbook option. Keep adding as many text as you want. Click on the Workbook and give a title, edit text, move around and save it in your workspace.

Easy Access to Trending Categories & Popular Niches

Quickly access Prompts in Trending Categories and frequently used Niches without having to search for it in the main directory of Prompts.

Prompts Localization

Get your ChatGPT Response in the language of your choice.

Chrome Extension

The prompts appear as an overlay inside of ChatGPT with a simple chrome Extension that can be installed in seconds. Connect it with your back end by copy & pasting your unique API Key.

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100% FREE When You Claim
Prompt Engine PRO

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Retail Value - $09

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Retail Value - $17

Retail Value - $47

Retail Value - $47

ChatGPT Mastery Personal Access + PromptEnginePRO + Bonuses

Actual Retail Price Including Bonuses- $159.00

Total Discount Applied = 94.00%

Total Savings = $149.00